Continuing Professional

The objective of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement is to ensure that members maintain an adequate level of current knowledge and proficiency.

  • Members who meet the membership CPD requirement will be better equipped in discharging their duties.
  • Maintenance of membership fees and CPD hours are required annually to renew one’s membership.
  • Student members must accumulate a minimum of 20 CPD hours annually.
  • Associate members must accumulate a minimum of 20 CPD hours annually.
  • Professional members need a minimum of 40 CPD hours annually.
No. Item Activities Calculation Ceiling
1 General continous education activities recognised Conferences, seminars, workshops Chapter programs, meetings and related activities Formal learning such as post graduate or professional certificate In-house cyber security training 6 CPD points per day 20 points
Webinars   1 CPD point per day
for 1 webinar session
2 Certification training Attending cyber security training course 6 CPD points per day 30 points
3 Passing related professional examinations Encourage members to obtain other professional certifications. 5 CPD points per certification 10 points
4 Vendor based seminars/events Vendor based seminars/events related to cyber security. 1 CPD point per session 2 points
5 Book review Provide 250-words review and submit to Global ACE Certification 2 CPD points per review 4 points
6 Review cyber security white papers The papers must have educational aspects. 1 CPD point per review 2 points
7 Publication of articles, monographs and books Journal/ Conference Paper 8 CPD points per paper 20 points
Magazine/article 4 CPD points
Books 10 CPD points
Book Chapter 6 CPD points
8 Contributions to the information security community Include works performed that contribute to the information security profession i.e. research development, certification review manual development, Knowledge Centre Contributor 2 CPD points per session 10 points
9 Teaching / lecturing / presenting Development and delivery of educational presentations related to cyber security 2 CPD points for each hour presentation 20 points
10 Current work in cyber security domain Functional job in cyber security field CPD is prorated based on month 12 points
11 Examination questions development Develop examination question for Global ACE Certification only 2 CPD for each accepted Question
10 points

Calculating CPD Hours

  • One CPD hour is earned for each sixty (60) minutes of active participation (excluding lunches and breaks) for qualifying activities and meetings.
  • CPD hours can be earned in quarter hour increments and can also be reported in quarter hours (rounded to the nearest quarter hour).
  • The annual membership term will expire in June or December of the year.
  • Membership that comes into effect in January till June of the year will expire at the end of June the following year (end of the term) and the membership that comes into effect in July till December of the year will expire at the end of December the following year (end of the term).
  • Members are to renew their membership at the end of the term by earning minimum contact hours of CPD and paying the annual maintenance fee.